Monday, August 31, 2009

Vocabulary Test - A

Select the word which best fills in the blank

1. The children were so ____________ that the teacher had to yell to be heard.
A. truculent
B. obstreperous
C. morose
D. discreet

2. Coach Calhoun tried to ___________ his team to try harder in the face of overwhelming odds.
A. flout
B. instigate
C. emulate
D. exhort

3. I don't think these flowers are __________ to New England. At least I've never seen them.
A. ingenuous
B. fluent
C. indigenous
D. exigent

4. Roberto pretended to know a lot about the opera, but he was really just a ___________ .
A. dilettante
B. supernumerary
C. chimera
D. catalyst

5. The professor became so forceful, so _________ in his expression of opinions, that students began to leave his course.
A. dormant
B. credible
C. dogmatic
D. lucid

6. Tashonda had read the book in a __________ fashion and couldn't remember what she'd read.
A. truculent
B. obstreperous
C. cursory
D. discreet

7. The older child had a reputation for ________ trouble in high school, but he calmed down in college.
A. mortifying
B. appeasing
C. curtailing
D. instigating

8. The professor got in trouble for making __________ remarks about the Dean of Faculty.
A. benign
B. pejorative
C. pensive
D. blithe

9. My uncle has never been to an art museum; in fact, when it comes to matters of art, my uncle is a real _________ .
A. patrician B.
C. martyr
D. hedonist

10. The jury ___________ the mayor of all wrongdoing.
A. exonerated
B. expatriated
C. augmented
D. subjugated

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