Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Confusing Words

Choose the correct word to complete the question.

1Q: The _____ applauded enthusiastically after the performance was finished.

  • audience
  • spectators

2Q: I haven't seen him ____ over five years.

  • since
  • for

3Q: _____ the fact that it was difficult, the exam also included questions that we had never studied before.

  • Besides
  • Beside

4Q: I told my boss that I wanted a big _____.

  • rise
  • raise

5Q: The article's _____ read "Politician Wants Answers".

  • title
  • headline

6Q: His opinion had no _____ on my decision.

  • effect
  • affect

7Q: He _____ down for a short nap.

  • lay
  • lie

8Q: Could you give me the _____ for that wonderful dessert?

  • receipt
  • recipe

9Q: They _____ his passport on entering the country.

  • controlled
  • inspected

10Q: Please finish your work _____ five o'clock.

  • by
  • until

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