Monday, August 24, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary size - B

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

11. Would you prefer to rotate meeting locations or have a consistent meeting place?

a) alternate
b) set up
c) rent
d) inspect

12. The students will perform activities to learn how estimation and measurement would be important in the construction industry.
a) surveying
b) dimension
c) development
d) budget

13. He has a unique talent to inspire and compel each person to recognize his or her own personal uniqueness and value.
a) force
b) cheer
c) command
d) lead

14. Survey show that the silence majority agree with me and not you.
a) minority
b) major
c) senior
d) bulk

15. The lowering of the threat level is not a signal to government, law enforcement or citizens that the danger of a terrorist attack is passed.
a) throat
b) thread
c) territory
d) terror

16. That person can help you decide whether you do need to lose weight and, if so, the best way to achieve and maintain a weight that is healthy for you.
a) reduce
b) increase
c) alter
d) hold

17. This is a short report on our trip to Colorado.
a) strip
b) journey
c) mission
d) research

18. The estimates above could therefore represent an under-estimate of the total consumer detriment in the economy.
a) population
b) confidence
c) damage
d) behavior

19. Ooops, I meant to say shouldn't deny love.
a) refuse
b) addict to
c) hurt
d) confuse

20. Nobody asked me to prove it.
a) show evidence of
b) test
c) demonstrate
d) investigate

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