Thursday, August 13, 2009

Test Quiz - B

11. plagiarism
  • adj. roomy
  • v. to yield; to admit as true
  • n. adopting and reproducing, without acknowledgment, the writings or ideas of another passing them off as one's own
  • v. to exercise self control; to keep from

12. innuendo

  • n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory)
  • adj. festive; gay
  • adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason
  • adj. objectionable

13. raconteur

  • n. a little world, or a universe in miniature
  • n. a skilled storyteller
  • adj. profuse or generous; given to extravagance
  • adj. excessive

14. misanthropic

  • adj. deserving blame or censure
  • adj. excessive
  • adj. often of mistakes, extremely and noticeably bad
  • adj. hating or distrusting mankind

15. incisive

  • v. to be sorry for
  • adj. cutting, penetrating
  • adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon
  • adv. with distrust

16. onus

  • n. nearness
  • adj. gloomy; ill-humored
  • n. boredom; weariness of mind
  • n. burden; duty

17. aesthetic

  • n. compelling a person by physical force or other means to do something against his will
  • n. a branching; sub-division
  • adj. winding; indirect
  • adj. pertaining to the beautiful

18. convivial

  • adj. secret; stealthy
  • n. feeling of displeasure or indignation resulting from mistreatment or abuse
  • adj. swollen, inflated; using big or high-sounding words
  • adj. festive; gay

19. dolorous

  • adj. constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes
  • n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory)
  • adj. sorrowful; mournful
  • n. a privilege or power attaching to a position

20. culpable

  • adj. deserving blame or censure
  • adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon
  • v. to quicken, speed tip
  • n. eagerness; cheerful promptness

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