Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Test Quiz - A

1. insatiable

  • adj. unable to be satisfied
  • v. to banish or exile; to withdraw from one's country
  • v. to check or hinder
  • n. a. personal peculiarity

2. anonymous

  • ad. indicating a happy outcome
  • n. one who denies that God exists
  • adj. of unknown authorship
  • v. to root out, destroy totally

3. atheist

  • v. to make clear; to explain
  • n. a state of happiness; a high ability
  • v. to smile in a silly or affected way
  • n. one who denies that God exists

4. cogent

  • v. to prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions
  • adj. pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar
  • adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason
  • n. approval; praise

5. apprehensive

  • adj. fearful
  • adj. unable to be satisfied
  • n. working together secretly for an evil purpose
  • adj. foul-smelling; harmful

6. compensation

  • n. payment for services
  • v. to give a false idea of
  • v. to draw out
  • adj. sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning

7. countenance

  • adj. excessive
  • n. eagerness; cheerful promptness
  • adj. worthy of belief
  • n. a face

8. fictitious

  • n. amazement; lack of courage caused by fearful prospect
  • n. a remedy for all ills
  • adj. unreal; made-up
  • v. to paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise

9. archetype

  • v. to restate in a brief, concise form; to sum up
  • adj. inclined to quarrel; warlike
  • n. an original pattern
  • n. one who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge

10. erudite

  • adj. acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit
  • adj. having or containing a lot of specialist knowledge
  • v. to exclaim or utter suddenly
  • adj. moderate in the use of food or drink

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