Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Select Meaning by Word @ 3

11. genre

  • n. particular variety of art or literature
  • n. study of language
  • adj. haphazard; careless
  • n. ungrateful person

12. thrifty

  • n. union; coalition
  • v. dig into
  • adj. careful about money; economical
  • v. equip

13. rote

  • adj. having an evil influence; virulent
  • n. repetition
  • adj. neat and trim
  • n. one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously)

14. erode

  • n. place of spiritual expiation
  • v. eat away
  • n. excuse
  • n. varying form of an element

15. appreciate

  • v. weaken; sap
  • v. be thankful for; increase in worth
  • adj. reserved or aloof; cold in manner
  • v. quench; sate

16. nutrient

  • adj. concise; meaty
  • n. nourishing substance
  • adj. secret; mysterious
  • adj. attractive; agreeable

17. finite

  • n. harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill
  • v. agree
  • v. steal another's ideas and pass them off as one's own
  • adj. limited

18. execrate

  • n. retort; comeback
  • n. boredom; weariness
  • n. something new; newness
  • v. curse; express abhorrence for
19. ogle
  • v. move briskly
  • n. violation of a law; sin
  • v. glance coquettishly at; make eyes at
  • adj. showy; pretentious

20. esteem

  • n. clothing
  • n. violation
  • adj. faultfinding
  • v. respect; value

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