Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Wonder of Words

Select the answer which matches the question, or statement, and excel in your vocabulary skills

1. vie (VIGH): "Playing their hardest, the two teams will vie for the basketball championship."

2. abate (uh BAYT): "We had to postpone our walk until the storm would abate."

3. brook (BROOK): "The teacher said he would not brook such outrageous conduct in the classroom."
4. chary (CHAIR ee): "She was chary of the risks involved with such an investment."

5. ambidextrous (am" bi DEK struhs): "He was ambidextrous in that he could pitch the ball equally well with either of his hands."

6. abhor (ab HOR): "We abhor violence; especially, when it is obviously unnecessary."

7. moot (MOOT): "When the student finished asking his question, the professor indicated that it was a moot point which would need to be discussed."

8. patrimony (PAT ruh moh" nee): "He was able to live quite well on the patrimony from his parents."

9. impervious (im PER vee uhs): "He had a coat that is impervious to rain."

10. refulgent (re FUL jent): "We can see a refulgent moon up in the sky tonight."

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