Monday, August 31, 2009

Vocabulary Test - A

Select the word which best fills in the blank

1. The children were so ____________ that the teacher had to yell to be heard.
A. truculent
B. obstreperous
C. morose
D. discreet

2. Coach Calhoun tried to ___________ his team to try harder in the face of overwhelming odds.
A. flout
B. instigate
C. emulate
D. exhort

3. I don't think these flowers are __________ to New England. At least I've never seen them.
A. ingenuous
B. fluent
C. indigenous
D. exigent

4. Roberto pretended to know a lot about the opera, but he was really just a ___________ .
A. dilettante
B. supernumerary
C. chimera
D. catalyst

5. The professor became so forceful, so _________ in his expression of opinions, that students began to leave his course.
A. dormant
B. credible
C. dogmatic
D. lucid

6. Tashonda had read the book in a __________ fashion and couldn't remember what she'd read.
A. truculent
B. obstreperous
C. cursory
D. discreet

7. The older child had a reputation for ________ trouble in high school, but he calmed down in college.
A. mortifying
B. appeasing
C. curtailing
D. instigating

8. The professor got in trouble for making __________ remarks about the Dean of Faculty.
A. benign
B. pejorative
C. pensive
D. blithe

9. My uncle has never been to an art museum; in fact, when it comes to matters of art, my uncle is a real _________ .
A. patrician B.
C. martyr
D. hedonist

10. The jury ___________ the mayor of all wrongdoing.
A. exonerated
B. expatriated
C. augmented
D. subjugated

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary Size - E

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

41. Particular attention is paid to the repertoire and quality of performance presented on the audition.
a) originality
b) a collection of works
c) uniqueness
d) depth

42. Retail petrol price decreased in April.
a) gas
b) oil
c) computer
d) grain

43. Governor Bush and first lady proclaim September 23 Family Day in Florida.
a) claim
b) recognize
c) announce
d) declare formally

44. The Warden told him that I was his roommate before he died.
a) official in charge of army
b) official in charge of a company
c) official in charge of a prison
d) official in charge of a county

45. I like cauliflower.
a) flower
b) vegetable
c) fish
d) cat

46. Here it is paired with metallic twill, the latest trend in twill.
a) ornament
b) art work
c) shoe
d) cloth

47. These structural changes have also led to a palpable change in attitude towards foreign investment.
a) significant
b) dramatical
c) tangible
d) drastical

48. This paper is lighted in a way to accentuate the motley color distribution..
a) visible
b) fuzy
c) mixed
d) new

49. Plan to photograph stars along a swath running perpendicular to the Milky Way.
a) strip
b) vertical line
c) area
d) star

50. A new project is funded to investigate Estrogen's effects on the female body.
a) Yoga
b) vegetable
c) hormone
d) vitamin

Friday, August 28, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary Size - D

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

31. How did she keep it secret for nine years.
a) secretary
b) mystery
c) hidden
d) information

32. The new program will integrate social and employment services with treatment for drug addicted persons and their families.
a) assistance
b) treat
c) care
d) discussion

33. Customers qualify for a Standard license if no Small Business Server software is currently licensed.
a) copy
b) permission
c) freedom
d) software

34. Each Christmas, our family enjoys decorating the tree with our homemade ornaments.
a) made by yourself
b) trendy
c) sophisticated
d) made by hand

35. Wall Street bankers met behind closed doors (under the auspices of the New York Federal Reserve Bank) to put the finishing touches on the renegotiation of Korea's short-term debt.
a) roof
b) protection
c) power
d) guidance

36. We also provide vacation & leisure travel for the employees of these top companies as well.
a) relaxation
b) freedom
c) fancy
d) discount

37. There are many things on the Net that are put there by one person or group that has a certain opinion.
a) credibility
b) idea
c) view
d) origination

38. Since his election to the Legislature in 1994, Sen. Kermit Brashear of Omaha has made a name for himself as a man who carefully considers what he believes in and then forcefully argues his point.
a) body of lawmakers
b) lecturer
c) congress
d) army

39. No wonder, many companies are finding difficult to sustain the growth.
a) expand
b) subdue
c) maintain
d) reverse

40. They're supposed to be preparing us for the meeting.
a) scheduled
b) believed
c) forced
d) replaced

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary Size - C

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

21. Scripture does not forbid anything which God has given us for our use.
a) support
b) encourage
c) describe
d) prevent

22. It wasn't long before she was off the hill.
a) hip
b) natural elevation
c) mountain
d) pond

23. We're seeking to strengthen intellectual property protection.
a) increase
b) fortify
c) improve
d) change

24. In this sample chapter, you'll learn how to compose a message and send it.
a) write
b) compile
c) complain
d) conduct

25. Students seem to complain about the lack of a dating scene.
a) scenario
b) picture
c) shot
d) guide

26. The risk of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer.
a) replaced
b) minimized
c) shifted
d) diminished

27. Great Lakes signal great shift in seasonal changes.
a) translation
b) shaft
c) switch
d) example

28. The holes should be a little larger than the coin or washer.
a) penny
b) metal
c) pipe
d) corn

29. So, your focus is not inward on your own processes, but outward, on supply chain processes.
a) based
b) dependent
c) inside
d) inbound

30. Ours is a field increasingly driven by both rapidly evolving solutions to existing problems and by new interpretations of the nature of the problems we face.
a) method
b) mixture
c) lotion
d) problem

Monday, August 24, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary size - B

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

11. Would you prefer to rotate meeting locations or have a consistent meeting place?

a) alternate
b) set up
c) rent
d) inspect

12. The students will perform activities to learn how estimation and measurement would be important in the construction industry.
a) surveying
b) dimension
c) development
d) budget

13. He has a unique talent to inspire and compel each person to recognize his or her own personal uniqueness and value.
a) force
b) cheer
c) command
d) lead

14. Survey show that the silence majority agree with me and not you.
a) minority
b) major
c) senior
d) bulk

15. The lowering of the threat level is not a signal to government, law enforcement or citizens that the danger of a terrorist attack is passed.
a) throat
b) thread
c) territory
d) terror

16. That person can help you decide whether you do need to lose weight and, if so, the best way to achieve and maintain a weight that is healthy for you.
a) reduce
b) increase
c) alter
d) hold

17. This is a short report on our trip to Colorado.
a) strip
b) journey
c) mission
d) research

18. The estimates above could therefore represent an under-estimate of the total consumer detriment in the economy.
a) population
b) confidence
c) damage
d) behavior

19. Ooops, I meant to say shouldn't deny love.
a) refuse
b) addict to
c) hurt
d) confuse

20. Nobody asked me to prove it.
a) show evidence of
b) test
c) demonstrate
d) investigate

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Estimate your Vocabulary Size - A

Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word Italicized in Green Colour in the sentence.

1. Many of the questions raised pertaining to cultural issues are new.
a) an important question in dispute and must be settled
b) insurance
c) trouble
d) publication

2. To help meet this need, we have compiled an annotated bibliography of models for evaluating open learning approaches and associated technologies.
a) associating
b) related
c) advanced
d) new

3. He had an edge on the competition.
a) border
b) a slight advantage
c) a slight margin
d) success

4. The applicants of the Proposal Competition are invited to provide the Frontier Science Research City Project with visions for creating a 21st century-style city.
a) performance
b) plan
c) business
d) communication

5. The dollar fell against the Euro for the fourth day in five and dropped against the yen on concern a recovery in the US economy is faltering.
a) evidence
b) interest
c) worry
d) relief

6. I wonder if that factor is going to impact on XYZ Corp.
a) element
b) person
c) event
d) action

7. Specifically, we are disappointed with the new emphasis on so-called high stakes testing as an instrument to assess and rank schools.
a) a device
b) a test
c) a system
d) a way

8. It is almost impossible to get it done today.
a) implicit
b) trivial
c) insignificant
d) totally unlikely

9. The closest the world has come to nuclear war was the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.
a) mission
b) atomic bomb
c) election
d) a rocket-propelled vehicle

10. The Complete and Utter Idiot's Guide to Ordering Pizza.
a) new
b) absolute
c) practical
d) short

Friday, August 21, 2009

Select Meaning by Word - II

11. prurient
  • n. Sudden invasion.
  • adj. Inclined to lascivious thoughts and desires.
  • n. The sharp striking of one body against another.
  • v. To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively.

12. illuminate

  • v. To supply with light.
  • adj. Different.
  • v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something)
  • v. To last longer than.

13. awry

  • ad. Out of the proper form, direction, or position.
  • n. A labyrinth.
  • adj. Impartial.
  • n. Rational self-esteem.

14. counter-claim

  • n. A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff.
  • n. That which nourishes.
  • v. To study plant-life.
  • v.To reveal in trust or confidence.

15. peter

  • v. To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value.
  • adj. Ingenuous.
  • adj. That may be allowed.
  • adv. Without intention.

16. ambulance

  • n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded.
  • v. To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned.
  • n. Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such reasoning.
  • v. To make stale or trite by repetition.

17. inundation

  • adj. Characterized by intelligence.
  • n. A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe.
  • n. Inadequacy.
  • n. Flood.

18. imminence

  • adj. Unreasonable.
  • n. Miscellaneous articles of equipment or adornment.
  • v. To behave ill.
  • n. Impending evil or danger.

19. lough

  • n. The body of men constituting the official advisors of the executive head of a nation.
  • n. A lake or loch.
  • n. The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone, independently of authority.
  • adj. Yielding to the desires or humor of oneself or those under one's care.

20. discolor

  • v. To give a wrong impression.
  • v. To stain.
  • adj. Formed after one's father's name.
  • n. A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Select Meaning by Word - I

1. conjugation

  • n. A small cavern.
  • n. The egg of a louse or some other insect.
  • n. The state or condition of being joined together.
  • adj. Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head.

2. recover

  • v. To regain.
  • v. To unite.
  • n. A disturbance or violent agitation.
  • adj. Harsh.

3. pique

  • adj. Created or formed by the imagination.
  • v. To assail with arguments, insinuations, or accusations.
  • n. Sudden invasion.
  • v. To excite a slight degree of anger in.

4. sapid

  • adj. That desires or craves immoderately or unappeasably.
  • adj. Affecting the sense of taste.
  • n. General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.
  • v. To withdraw from union or association, especially from a political or religious body.

5. granulate

  • n. A name wrongly or mistakenly applied.
  • adj. Characteristic of dwelling in the country.
  • v. To form into grains or small particles.
  • adj. Characteristic of an erudite person.

6. voracious

  • n. A prophet.
  • n. A coming between.
  • n. Holiness.
  • adj. Eating with greediness or in very large quantities.

7. specialize

  • v. To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course.
  • v. To overwhelm with a flood of water.
  • v. To protect.
  • v. To drive out or away.

8. excretion

  • adj. Capable of being thrust out.
  • n. A sorcerer.
  • adj. Measureless.
  • n. The getting rid of waste matter.

9. plutocracy

  • n. Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case.
  • n. A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money.
  • adj. At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion.
  • n. The power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it.

10. wantonness

  • n. The feudal system.
  • adj. Farthest from the front.
  • n. An artificial trance-sleep.
  • n. Recklessness.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Test Quiz - B

11. plagiarism
  • adj. roomy
  • v. to yield; to admit as true
  • n. adopting and reproducing, without acknowledgment, the writings or ideas of another passing them off as one's own
  • v. to exercise self control; to keep from

12. innuendo

  • n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory)
  • adj. festive; gay
  • adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason
  • adj. objectionable

13. raconteur

  • n. a little world, or a universe in miniature
  • n. a skilled storyteller
  • adj. profuse or generous; given to extravagance
  • adj. excessive

14. misanthropic

  • adj. deserving blame or censure
  • adj. excessive
  • adj. often of mistakes, extremely and noticeably bad
  • adj. hating or distrusting mankind

15. incisive

  • v. to be sorry for
  • adj. cutting, penetrating
  • adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon
  • adv. with distrust

16. onus

  • n. nearness
  • adj. gloomy; ill-humored
  • n. boredom; weariness of mind
  • n. burden; duty

17. aesthetic

  • n. compelling a person by physical force or other means to do something against his will
  • n. a branching; sub-division
  • adj. winding; indirect
  • adj. pertaining to the beautiful

18. convivial

  • adj. secret; stealthy
  • n. feeling of displeasure or indignation resulting from mistreatment or abuse
  • adj. swollen, inflated; using big or high-sounding words
  • adj. festive; gay

19. dolorous

  • adj. constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes
  • n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory)
  • adj. sorrowful; mournful
  • n. a privilege or power attaching to a position

20. culpable

  • adj. deserving blame or censure
  • adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon
  • v. to quicken, speed tip
  • n. eagerness; cheerful promptness

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Test Quiz - A

1. insatiable

  • adj. unable to be satisfied
  • v. to banish or exile; to withdraw from one's country
  • v. to check or hinder
  • n. a. personal peculiarity

2. anonymous

  • ad. indicating a happy outcome
  • n. one who denies that God exists
  • adj. of unknown authorship
  • v. to root out, destroy totally

3. atheist

  • v. to make clear; to explain
  • n. a state of happiness; a high ability
  • v. to smile in a silly or affected way
  • n. one who denies that God exists

4. cogent

  • v. to prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions
  • adj. pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar
  • adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason
  • n. approval; praise

5. apprehensive

  • adj. fearful
  • adj. unable to be satisfied
  • n. working together secretly for an evil purpose
  • adj. foul-smelling; harmful

6. compensation

  • n. payment for services
  • v. to give a false idea of
  • v. to draw out
  • adj. sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning

7. countenance

  • adj. excessive
  • n. eagerness; cheerful promptness
  • adj. worthy of belief
  • n. a face

8. fictitious

  • n. amazement; lack of courage caused by fearful prospect
  • n. a remedy for all ills
  • adj. unreal; made-up
  • v. to paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise

9. archetype

  • v. to restate in a brief, concise form; to sum up
  • adj. inclined to quarrel; warlike
  • n. an original pattern
  • n. one who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge

10. erudite

  • adj. acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit
  • adj. having or containing a lot of specialist knowledge
  • v. to exclaim or utter suddenly
  • adj. moderate in the use of food or drink

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Select Word by Meaning - II

11. n. forecasted course of a disease; prediction
  • hindmost
  • askance
  • prognosis
  • unwarranted

12. v. provide scantily; live very economically

  • skimp
  • lexicographer
  • libidinous
  • spangle

13. v. shove; bump

  • apostate
  • luster
  • catastrophe
  • jostle

14. adj. lead-colored; black and blue

  • defeatist
  • sectarian
  • livid
  • canvass

15. v. recede; lessen

  • insularity
  • latent
  • ebb
  • regal

16. v. go backwards; degenerate

  • egregious
  • retrograde
  • diligence
  • vigor

17. v. call together

  • convoke
  • placate
  • maim
  • forsake

18. adv. with a sideways or indirect look

  • requite
  • askance
  • prototype
  • indemnify

19. n. wealthy leader

  • infantile
  • anemia
  • tycoon
  • supposititious

20. v. multiply; spread

  • jargon
  • staid
  • tribulation
  • propagate

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Select Word by Meaning - I

1. v. pick out; reject

  • prolong
  • guileless
  • cull
  • personable

2. n. changing its habitat; wandering

  • shrew
  • hale
  • scurvy
  • migrant

3. v. tilt; lean over

  • list
  • bawdy
  • abusive
  • carcinogenic

4. v. assent; agree passively

  • acquiesce
  • evoke
  • deplete
  • consort

5. adj. bloody

  • dissertation
  • poseur
  • sanguinary
  • contest

6. n. arrival

  • emetic
  • overbearing
  • manifesto
  • advent

7. n. aversion; dislike

  • amass
  • foolhardy
  • antipathy
  • pallid

8. adj. unjustified; groundless

  • corporeal
  • precursor
  • unwarranted
  • embellish

9. adj. stuffy; boringly conservative

  • braggart
  • propinquity
  • degenerate
  • stodgy

10. adj. petty criticism; fault-finding

  • carping
  • windfall
  • intangible
  • decimate

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Select Meaning by Word Test @ I

1. defeatist

  • adj. resigned to defeat; accepting defeat as a natural outcome
  • n. substance causing vomiting
  • v. degrade; humiliate
  • adj. twisted; with a humorous twist

2. militant

  • adj. bloody
  • adj. having many talents; capable of working in many fields
  • adj. regretful; sorrowful
  • adj. combative; bellicose

3. toga

  • n. Roman outer robe
  • n. fortress
  • n. pedestal; raised platform
  • adj. after death (as of child born after father's death or book published after author's death

4. atrophy

  • n. wasting away
  • v. commence; go on board a boat
  • n. study of insects
  • adj. hairy

5. behoove

  • n. armed band
  • v. be suited to; be incumbent upon
  • v. plunder
  • v. show clearly

6. interminable

  • adj. endless
  • adj. expedient; prudent
  • v. soothe
  • v. arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify

7. foist

  • v. set free
  • v. lessen in value
  • v. insert improperly; palm off
  • n. imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing

8. analgesic

  • adj. ghastly
  • n. hermit
  • adj. causing insensitivity to pain
  • n. someone who wastes money

9. exacerbate

  • n. wrong name; incorrect designation
  • n. motion; gesture
  • v. worsen; embitter
  • v. pare; cut off bits

10. braggart

  • v. join together, unite
  • n. boaster
  • adj. praising
  • n. distance around something; circumference

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Select Meaning by Word @ 3

11. genre

  • n. particular variety of art or literature
  • n. study of language
  • adj. haphazard; careless
  • n. ungrateful person

12. thrifty

  • n. union; coalition
  • v. dig into
  • adj. careful about money; economical
  • v. equip

13. rote

  • adj. having an evil influence; virulent
  • n. repetition
  • adj. neat and trim
  • n. one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously)

14. erode

  • n. place of spiritual expiation
  • v. eat away
  • n. excuse
  • n. varying form of an element

15. appreciate

  • v. weaken; sap
  • v. be thankful for; increase in worth
  • adj. reserved or aloof; cold in manner
  • v. quench; sate

16. nutrient

  • adj. concise; meaty
  • n. nourishing substance
  • adj. secret; mysterious
  • adj. attractive; agreeable

17. finite

  • n. harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill
  • v. agree
  • v. steal another's ideas and pass them off as one's own
  • adj. limited

18. execrate

  • n. retort; comeback
  • n. boredom; weariness
  • n. something new; newness
  • v. curse; express abhorrence for
19. ogle
  • v. move briskly
  • n. violation of a law; sin
  • v. glance coquettishly at; make eyes at
  • adj. showy; pretentious

20. esteem

  • n. clothing
  • n. violation
  • adj. faultfinding
  • v. respect; value

Monday, August 3, 2009

Select Meaning by Word # 2

1. debacle

  • n. breaking up; downfall
  • v. confuse; puzzle
  • v. attribute; ascribe
  • adj. without feeling

2. cauterize

  • n. fitness; talent
  • v. burn with hot iron or caustic
  • adj. not to be taken away; nontransferable
  • n. serious or fatal accident

3. squabble

  • n. small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
  • adj. disloyal
  • n. minor quarrel; bickering
  • v. waste

4. vulpine

  • v. reduce; exhaust
  • n. projection; conjecture
  • n. lavish expenditure; overabundant condition
  • adj. like a fox; crafty

5. hibernate

  • v. sleep throughout the winter
  • adj. deprived of; lacking
  • v. worsen; diminish in value
  • adj. ordinary; unimaginative

6. gambit

  • v. remove (forcible)
  • adj. deserving blame
  • v. abstain from; resist n. chorus
  • n. opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed

7. metallurgical

  • adj. lustful
  • adj. praising
  • adj. at the point of death
  • adj. pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores

8. maxim

  • n. meeting
  • n. proverb; a truth pithily stated
  • adj. shining; issuing light
  • n. forewarning

9. ephemeral

  • adj. confused; discomposed
  • adj. short-lived; fleeting
  • adj. motionless; stale
  • v. provide a refuge for; hide

10. reparable

  • adj. pertaining to marriage
  • adj. proper; appropriate
  • v. recede; lessen
  • adj. capable of being repaired

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Select Meaning by Word

1. soldier

  • n. increase of amount, size, scope, or the like
  • n. a person engaged in military service
  • v. to rouse to activity or to quickened action
  • n. a settled course or manner of progress

2. commitment

  • adj. intermeddling with what is not one's concern
  • n. an unprincipled politician
  • v. to bring together or give fixed shape to
  • n. the act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping

3. volatile

  • v. to regain
  • adj. changeable
  • adj. toilsome
  • v. to blend

4. qualify

  • v. to endow or furnish with requisite ability, character, knowledge, skill, or possessions
  • n. a title of Jesus
  • n. a quack
  • n. passion for getting and keeping riches

5. transition

  • n. passage from one place, condition, or action to another
  • n. a person of rank or importance
  • v. to remove the inhabitants from
  • n. angry or violent difference of opinion

6. devilry

  • v. to deny oneself
  • n. malicious mischief
  • v. to make more sharp, severe, or virulent
  • n. the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command

7. mileage

  • n. a distance in miles
  • adj. having six angles
  • v. to introduce, as a fluid, by injection
  • v. to surpass

    8. prowess
  • n. the whole range or sequence
  • adj. low-priced
  • n. strength, skill, and intrepidity in battle
  • adj. heedless

9. assassinate

  • v. to kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person
  • v. to inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox
  • n. permanence
  • n. a spiritual advisor

10. generalize

  • n. a person to whom a donation is made
  • v. to draw general inference
  • n. ease
  • n. a meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits