Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vocabulary Test - 1

1. Idiosyncrasy is:
  • the ideology of a political party or organization
  • a peculiar habit or characteristic of an individual or group
  • a synchronous movement between two mechanical parts
  • a characteristic of selfish people

2. Someone with excessive concern for precision and formal rules is:

  • moribund
  • zealous
  • pedantic
  • rustic

3. Beleaguer means:

  • to lend money
  • to harass
  • to sympathize
  • to scare

4. “John’s __________ was irritating. He was reluctant even to buy bread!”

  • jealousy
  • soreness
  • luck
  • parsimony

5. An ombudsman is:

  • an impartial person who watches for administrative abuses inside organizations
  • a person with unrivaled powers inside the government
  • the head of any organization who is elected by a majority voting system
  • a person who is granted political asylum in a country that is facing civil war

6. If something is in oblivion:

  • time has severely ruined its forms
  • it has been confiscated by a governmental body
  • people have completely forgotten about it
  • it can no longer be commercially traded between two or more countries

7. The fights on the streets created a big:

  • void
  • turmoil
  • cyst
  • foil

8. Mary was always able to recover quickly from misfortunes. She was very:

  • witty
  • brave
  • resilient
  • zany

9. A Pyrrhic victory is:

  • a naval victory where all the ships from one side sink
  • a victory where one of the sides flees
  • actually a stalemate
  • a victory with huge losses

10. The ________ steps confirmed he was hiding from someone.

  • furtive
  • wild
  • puzzled
  • gleaming

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