Saturday, July 25, 2009

Test @ B

1. comprise
  • v. include; consist of
  • n. slander; vilify
  • n. collection; heap
  • adj. grave; serious

2. substantive

  • v. muddle; drive crazy
  • adj. expressing praise
  • v. languish, decline; long for, yearn
  • adj. essential; pertaining to the substance

3. epaulet

  • adj. efficient
  • n. appearance; costume
  • n. ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)
  • adj. expedient; prudent

4. patois

  • v. overstock; fill to excess
  • n. accuse; serve as evidence against
  • n. local or provincial dialect
  • v. move troops so that the battle line is extended at the expense of depth

5. tensile

  • adj. capable of being stretched
  • n. hatred of marriage
  • adj. mutually agreed on; done together
  • adj. verbose; drawn out

6. founder

  • adj. noticeable; targeted for vengeance
  • v. drive our evil spirits
  • v. fail completely; sink
  • adj. lower

7. whet

  • v. sharpen; stimulate
  • adj. brief; terse
  • n. ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc
  • n. revenging agent

8. finite

  • n. druggist
  • adj. limited
  • n. quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument
  • adj. obligatory

9. badger

  • v. pester; annoy
  • n. object to be thrown or projected
  • v. drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
  • n. malleability; flexibility

10. turncoat

  • n. informal discussion
  • n. circular building or hall covered with a dome
  • v. discourage
  • n. traitor

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