Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Idioms Test - II

Choose the word that suitables most:

1) Hania and Joanna are as different as ……… and cheese?

  • a) biscuits
  • b) chalk
  • c) ham
  • d) jam

2) My father wants me to study law, but I have made up my ……… to become an archaeologist, instead.

  • a) heart
  • b) head
  • c) brain
  • d) mind

3) If something frightens you it gives you the ……… .

  • a) wood
  • b) bulls
  • c) willies
  • d) hots

4) You haven't been studying much recently and you'd better ……… if you want to pass the Cambridge CPE exam.

  • a) thread your way through
  • b) meet your Waterloo
  • c) pull your socks up
  • d) change your spots

5) Magda was ……… after she heard that she had won a televison in a competition.

  • a) over the hill
  • b) on cloud nine
  • c) on the hop
  • d) over the peg

6) Donna ……… after her husband left her for a younger woman.

  • a) read between the lines
  • b) lead the field
  • c) took to the bottle
  • d) spared the rod

7) Don't throw that old FCE testbook away. It will ……… in handy when your sister is studying for the college entry examination.

  • a) turn
  • b) find
  • c) come
  • d) give

8) Simon was given the cold ……… by the other teachers after informing the newspapers about widespread corruption at the college.

  • a) chin
  • b) shoulder
  • c) neck
  • d) back

9) Wild boar haven't been seen in this ……… of the woods for about ten years because of overhunting in the past.

  • a) walk
  • b) ward
  • c) neck
  • d) leg

10) Charles has been in Kamila's ……… since he called her a fat slag.

  • a) bad letters
  • b) bad books
  • c) bad records
  • d) bad papers